Created in the heart of rural Lincolnshire just six miles from the nostalgic seaside town of Skegness. When developing Skegness Blue, the makers aimed to combine the tang and richness of Stilton, with the full flavour of Brie. What they achieved is a creamy, mellow blue cheese with a lingering flavour and salty finish.
The cheese is now made at the Hartington Creamery in the Peak District in Derbyshire. The Duke of Devonshire established the original creamery in the 1870’s, producing a white crumbly Derbyshire cheese until it was partially destroyed by fire in 1894. They make a wide range of award-winning blue cheeses and have kept the character and depth of flavour with this delicious blue.
Please note all cheeses are hand-cut, therefore the weights listed are approximate. We work very hard to cut them as accurately as we can!
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