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Gruyére, Lentil, and Ham Hock Salad Recipe

Gruyere Salad

Last Updated on 1 month by THE CHEESE TEAM

We recently celebrated ‘Gruyère Day’ at our shop, where we indulged in all things related to one of our favourite cheeses. The day was complete with delightful tastings, a Gruyère-themed menu-special, and our cheesemongers sporting quirky Gruyère hats!

Intrigued? Keep reading to discover more about this delectable cheese and to find the recipe for our most recent café special: Gruyère, Lentil, and Ham Hock salad.

What is Gruyére?

Gruyère is a hard, Swiss cheese that hails from the picturesque town of Gruyères in Switzerland.

This cheese isn’t just any ordinary cheese—it holds an AOP (Appellation d’Origine Protégée, AKA Protected Designation of Origin) status. This prestigious designation ensures that authentic Gruyère cheese can only be made in a specific region under strict traditional methods.

The Swiss cheesemakers, with their generations of expertise, create a unique flavour profile in Gruyère that simply can’t be replicated anywhere else in the world.


What does it taste like?

When you take a bite of Gruyère, you’re met with a rich, creamy, and slightly salty flavour that is deeply satisfying. The cheese also carries subtle nutty notes, a hallmark of alpine cheeses, which adds to its complexity.

What makes this cheese even more fascinating is how its flavour evolves as it ages.

Young varieties offer a milder taste, but as it matures, the flavour becomes more assertive, gaining depth and intensity. Depending on the ageing process, which can last anywhere from 6 to 24 months, the cheese can range from creamy and mild to robust and full-bodied.

Gruyere tasters.

What can Gruyére be used for?

Gruyère is incredibly versatile in the kitchen, making it a top choice for both cooking and baking. Its distinct flavour is bold enough to stand out but subtle enough not to overpower other ingredients.

One of the most classic ways to enjoy this cheese is in a fondue. Imagine dipping bread into a molten mixture of Gruyère, blended with white wine, garlic, and a splash of oil—a perfect dish to warm you up on a chilly day.

Gruyere fondue.

At our café within The Cheese Society, we regularly showcase this cheese with our iconic double-baked cheese soufflé, a dish that never fails to impress.

During our ‘Gruyère Day’, our talented kitchen created mouth-watering Gruyère scones and a refreshing Gruyère Alpine salad.

This salad, with its vibrant flavours, proves that Alpine cheeses aren’t just for winter—they can bring a taste of the mountains to your table any time of year.

Gruyere Alpine Salad with Puy Lentils, New Potatoes, Shredded Ham Hock and Croutons with a Tangy Homemade Piccalilli Dressing

Serves 4

Salad Ingredients:

200g – 300g  Gruyere (cubed)

200g Puy Lentils, cooked yet still a tiny bit of bite (warm through before adding to salad)

400g Cooked New Potatoes, in their skin and cut lengthways (warm through before adding to salad)

100g Cooked Ham Hock, shredded or matchsticks of thinly cut ham

Handful of croutons

Handful of finely chopped parsley – half to mix in with the ham, the rest to sprinkle on finished dish

Washed baby lettuce leaves or Little Gem lettuce

Optional extras that work well:

Sliced radish, chunks of avocado, chunks of deseeded cucumber, ribbons of courgettes, halved baby cherry tomatoes, thinly sliced red onion, sliced red or green pepper.


Dressing Ingredients:

3-4 tablespoons piccalilli

3 pickled onions

3-4 tablespoons full fat Greek Yogurt

1 tablespoon of cold water add a little extra if dressing is too thick

1-2 tablespoons of olive oil

Dressing Method:

Put pickled onions in a food processor and pulse until finely chopped.

Add the rest of the ingredients and briefly pulse (for around 30 seconds) until it all comes together.


To Serve:

Arrange the salad ingredients casually in flattish bowls with a good drizzle of the dressing and finish with chopped parsley scattered over the finished salad.

Gruyere salad


Gruyère is not just a cheese; it’s a culinary experience that brings the rich traditions of Swiss cheesemaking to your table.

From its creamy, nutty flavour to its versatility in both classic and creative dishes, it offers endless possibilities for your kitchen adventures.

Whether indulging in a fondue, savouring a cheese soufflé, or exploring new recipes like our Alpine salad, Gruyère promises to elevate every bite.

We hope our Gruyère Day has inspired you to explore this exceptional cheese and discover new ways to enjoy it. Happy cooking and cheese-tasting!