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Christmas Mince Pies Recipe

mince pies

Last Updated on 11 years by Kate


250g full fat cream cheese

50g caster sugar

500g orange pastry

Mince meat

Milk or egg to glaze

Orange Pastry

500g plain flour

175g icing sugar

375g butter cut in cubes

Finely grated rind and juice of one large orange


Sift flour and icing sugar together rub in the butter. Stir in the grated rind then mix in the juice. bring pastry together then put in the fridge for at least one hour*

*this part is important as it is a wet pastry.

Beat the cream cheese and caster sugar together until smooth.

Knead pastry lightly then roll out (a little thicker than usual) line greased tins with pastry bottoms and put in one tsp of mince meat and one tsp of cream cheese mix them seal with a pastry top and glaze then bake until the pastry is cooked and golden brown

Gas 7 or Electric 220c