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10 Best Cheeses For Christmas 2020!


Our Guide of the Best Christmas Cheeses Choosing the best cheeses for Christmas may not be at the top of your list of priorities right now. For many of us, 2020 has been a long year as we struggle with all the difficulties of living with Covid-19. Christmas is a time for celebrating, and enjoying food … Continued

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Fruity Tea Loaf recipe

Fruity Tea Bread Makes 1 x 900g loaf This is a lovely moist tea bread that is delicious thickly sliced and buttered and served with a generous chunk of cheese. My current favourite to pair with this is Stitchelton or an aged Lincolnshire Poacher cheese, I love the contrast between sweet and savoury , I know … Continued

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Christmas Giveaway

We’re very excited to be giving away our most popular Subscription of Cheese!! The lucky winner will receive our QUARTERLY SUBSCRIPTION which is a delicious delivery of cheese every third month for a year!!! Each delivery is around 1kg of cheese in total and contains five handmade, unique cheeses from incredible dairies all over the … Continued